Daniel Bye wrote:
On Mon, Aug 04, 2008 at 06:37:28PM -0400, email wrote:
I thank you. In addition, I am quite sure the command we are referred to in "23.4.5 Drop to Single User Mode" is in fact 'shutdown now' and not 'shutdown -r now'.

Yes. But that section relates to dropping to single user mode for the
duration of the build, not for the installworld phase. To quote from 23.4.5:

  You may want to *compile* the system in single user mode. (Emphasis

It is merely a possible preparatory step that some people like to take
before embarking on the rest of the process.

Section 23.4.9 goes on to talk about what to do after the world and kernel build are complete, and you have installed the new kernel:

  You should reboot into single user mode to test the new kernel works.
  Do this by following the instructions in Section 23.4.5.

This refers specifically to the part of 23.4.5 that talks about rebooting into single user mode, and not the part that talks about
dropping to single user mode. (A subtle, but important, distinction.)

I would suggest that the simplest approach would be something like:

# cd /usr/src
# make buildworld && make buildkernel
# make installkernel
(reboot into single user mode)
# fsck -p
# mount -u /
# mount -at ufs
# swapon -a
# cd /usr/src
# make installworld
# mergemaster

(Just so we're clear - section 23.4.5 talks about going to single
user mode for the duration of the *first 3 steps* of the above process.
As I mentioned previously, I have never found this step necessary, but
there is certainly no harm in it, and it may be the sensible thing to
do if your system has a lot of users logged in during normal operations.
Note that you must still reboot after installing the new kernel, and
before continuing to installworld.)


I followed 'your' suggestion/recommendation and did 'shutdown -r now' with great results; -- fsck -p works fine. However allow me to say that the fbsd handbook section 23.4.9, which I was initially following referred me back/up to section 23.4.5. The entire section -- 23.4 Rebuilding “world” only mentioned 'shutdown -r now' one (1) time in section 23.4.12. Had the fbsd handbook mentioned 'shutdown -r now' instead of referring the reader to another section perhaps I wouldn't be discussing this with you. :-) Sorry to make this longer than it needed to be. I thank you once again.
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