Andrea Venturoli wrote:
I googled around for this but found only very old threads (from 2005 or so).

I'm taking dumps of a new box I build, which runs 7.0/amd64 on 8 cores with harware RAID-5 (ciss driver).

This is an example of the command I issue:

dump -0 -a -f usr.dump -L -h 0 -u /usr

Almost always, the dump process will work up to Pass IV (regular files), but then stuck there.

# ps ax|grep dump
11400 p1 I+ 0:00.97 /sbin/dump -0 -a -f usr.dump -L -h 0 -u /usr (dump) 11405 p1 I+ 0:00.18 dump: /dev/da0s1e: pass 4: 4.28% done, finished in 0:03 at Fri Aug 8 10:35:34 2008 (dump) 11406 p1 I+ 0:00.24 /sbin/dump -0 -a -f usr.dump -L -h 0 -u /usr (dump) 11407 p1 I+ 0:00.24 /sbin/dump -0 -a -f usr.dump -L -h 0 -u /usr (dump) 11408 p1 I+ 0:00.23 /sbin/dump -0 -a -f usr.dump -L -h 0 -u /usr (dump)

top shows 11400 in wait state, 11406-11408 in pause state and 11405 in sbwait state.

Any hint is appreciated.

This was fixed in 7.0-STABLE.

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