On Monday 11 August 2008, Bruno Schmitt wrote:

> Ubuntu uses GRUB boot manager and as far as I remember it won't
> recognize FreeBSD partition out of the box, so you will have to add
> some lines to /boot/grub/menu.lst
> # For booting FreeBSD
> title  FreeBSD 5.2
> root   (hd0,a)
> chainloader +1
> where "(hd0,a)" reflects the position of the FreeBSD primary
> partition.

Grub does recognise FreeBSD partitions so you can use either the 
chainloader command or point grub directly to /boot/loader, though I 
can't speak for the Ubuntu version. Here's the menu file for my box 
with FreeBSD 6.3, FreeBSD 7.0 and Windoze:

default         0
timeout         3
color white/blue yellow/blue

title  FreeBSD 6.3
root   (hd0,0,a)
kernel /boot/loader

title  FreeBSD 7.0
root   (hd0,1,a)
kernel /boot/loader

title           MS Windows
root            (hd0,3)
chainloader     +1

title Floppy
root (fd0)
chainloader +1

Mike Clarke
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