At 09:24 AM 02/18/03 -0800, jay tigre wrote:
im running FreeBSD 4.7 Release on amd athlon 1.6ghz
with 512mb of ram. This machine has a very light cpu
load. it mostly sits there idle and handles email for
a small office.  for some reason however, telnet
logins are very slow over the sdsl 512/512 connection
as well as the 100mbps lan. When I try to telnet to
that box, i make an immediate connection but don't get
a login prompt for almost 30-40 seconds. Its not a
major problem. Just very annoying. Does anyone have a
clue about how to resolve this problem. any hints
would help.
It is probably because for some reason it does a reverse lookup on your IP and if there is no answer it times out. A work-around is to add your IP to the hosts table. Someday I hope to be able to burrow into that code and find a way to turn that off...


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