On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 20:27:17 +0200
Polytropon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 19 Aug 2008 22:59:31 -0400, "Aryeh Friedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > 500 GB internal drive in 2 partions (min. for vista [c:] and the rest
> > for fbsd [8-current])
> > 250 GB external (usb) that will be ntfs formated [d: for windows and
> > /mnt/d on fbsd)
> > 
> > My question how do I set it up so my windows user's dir is the same as
> > my home dir on fbsd? (assume it will be on the ext. drive)?
> The solution would be very simple, but because you're insisting
> on having the "D:" partition formatted as NTFS, a problem occurs:
> As far as I know, FreeBSD's NTFS support is okay for reading, but
> not for writing. (I'm not 100% sure because I don't have any
> "Windows" stuff around to check.)

fusefs-ntfs can be used for writing.

> The solution would be to automount the external USB harddisk
> via /etc/fstab into /home, or into your individual home directory.
> With a FAT / MS-DOS formatted disk, this would look like this:
> /dev/da0s1    /home/aryeh     msdosfs rw      0       0
> Note that /dev/da0 has to be this designated USB disk or startup
> or login would be able to fail.
> Of course, it would be much easier if "Windows" could access
> an simple stupid UFS file system. :-)
> Other problems could occur if you're using a FreeBSD and a
> "Windows" version of the same program that behave differently,
> for example a browser which's "Windows" version destroys the
> configuration files - your settings of the FreeBSD version
> would be gone.

Firefox, Thunderbird and Opera can share preferences and data with
Windows (I don't know about the first 2, but for Opera some files have
to be different and others can be symlinks, there is a tutorial around).


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