On Tue, 26 Aug 2008 13:20:31 -0400
Jerry McAllister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have wondered if it might be reasonable to put a bunch of (more)
> of that sort of stuff in a select list during installation so a
> user can choose right then if certain things will be retained or
> dropped on the floor.   

Most of the base system options are either highly-technical or
bike-shed options like removing games. If those options are exposed in
the installer, they should be buried so deep you need caving equipment.

> Fortune and games and even the latest Perl
> and some other things might be good candidates for that select list.
> I know there is a place where you can run through pretty much the
> whole list of ports and select, but that is really too overwhelming.
> I would suggest this be a separate list, mostly limited to those 
> things that many people want (but others don't) in the base system.

Personally I think it's a very bad idea to blur the distinction
between base system and packages in the installer. If you already know
FreeBSD, it's potentially confusing; if you don't it just reinforces
the misconception that everything is a package. 
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