El día Friday, August 29, 2008 a las 02:54:42PM +0200, Marcel Grandemange 

> I have an interesting situation.
> I have a windows based sms server, this machine works in the following way.
> It watches a shared directory for txt files that must be formatted in
> certain way and periodically sends them off to mobile.
> What I want to do is create a SMTP to SMS gateway.
> Easy in theory!
> Rite a script to map shared drive, ensure it's connected and write the txt
> files in dir.
> However the second part I have no idea, somehow I need to watch the mbox
> file of say a e-mail account called "test"
> And IF a mail arrives parse it look for a security key if exists convert to
> txt file and copy to shared dir.

procmail (which is in the ports) will let you do that very easy;

Matthias Apitz
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