It does exit....eventually. It just takes a ridiculously long time. That is Fixed in 7-STABLE so should be fine in 7.1 as well.

Gian Paolo Buono wrote:
I have a problem when run
/usr/local/sbin/arcconf GETCONFIG 1 LD

Controllers found: 1
Logical device information
Logical device number 0
   Logical device name                      : Drive 1
   RAID level                               : 1
   Status of logical device                 : Optimal
   Size                                     : 69890 MB
   Write-cache mode                         : Not supported
   Partitioned                              : Yes
   Protected by Hot-Spare                   : No
   Bootable                                 : Yes
   Failed stripes                           : No
   Logical device segment information
   Segment 0                                : Present (0,0)
   Segment 1                                : Present (0,1)

Command completed successfully.


the output of command is correct but don't exit and I must press control^C.
I want exit without press control^C, have you suggestions to resolve this
problem ?

Bye Gian Paolo

On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 10:08 PM, Chris St Denis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ivan Voras wrote:

Yury Michurin wrote:

We are currently considering to purchase IBM x3550 with ServeRAID-8k, in
order to run FreeBSD 7 with RAID5,
but it is very unclear from what I've saw on the Internet, whether the
driver support on FreeBSD is stable enough for production use,

I've never had problems with it, and I didn't heard of any serious
problems others had.

aac driver doesn't seem to notice if a drive fails. You'll want to keep an
eye on with it arcconf run via crontab or something as a workaround. I use

  /usr/local/sbin/arcconf GETCONFIG 1 LD | egrep '(name|Status)'

Seems to work fine with FreeBSD other than that. Only other issue I've had
with it, is it takes about 4 minutes to load it's bios in post.

and I've left with many questions unanswered, with which I hope you'll be
kind to help me =)

1. Is FreeBSD supports the device right after install or I need to
the kernel?

It's available by default. This is the aac driver:

2. Is tools for manage the RAID available? If no, how you rebuild the
on drive failure (and how to detect it)?

You can use the aaccli management tool :

aacli doesn't work with ServeRAID-8k. But sysutils/arcconf does. I think
it's read only tho.

I've just remember i had another unanswered question, not related to
3. When I've used FreeBSD 6.2, it had a limitation, that a user can be
member only of N groups (don't remember exactly, i think N = 15),
however i couldn't find any official documentation of that issue, nor if
still exists in FBSD 7, so is it? =)

It still exists and AFAIK it won't be changed soon because of the need
to support NFS. You could try raising the issue again on the [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Chris St Denis
SmarttNet (
Ph: 604-473-9700 Ext. 200
"Smart Internet Solutions For Businesses"
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