Polytropon wrote:
On Mon, 15 Sep 2008 10:31:57 -0400, John Almberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am working on some software that must, as it's final output, produce a printout of a directed graph... nodes, connected by directed links.

The printout could be generated by a postscript file, jpg, whatever.

Does anyone know of a utility (in ports?) that can take a data set (for example, a two dimensional array that defines the nodes and the links between them), and produce a printable graph?

Any help much appreciated.

I think it's possible to use LaTeX for this, as long as you're
willing to provide the document basis, put an \include for the
drawing contents and then have a small processing script that
generates this file. There is some LaTeX document class that
supports graphs, I think. The output would be PS or PDF.

TeX and LaTeX usually come with a tool called METAPOST, which reads instructions to draw a picture and outputs a postscript file. This is definitely the best choice to produce figures t put in LaTeX document, but may be useful in solo operation too. The language for METAPOST is adapted to notations like z1 = 1/2(z2 + z3) or z1l = z1 + left and z1r = z1 + right, so it's a really unusual stuff but one gets quickly accustomed with the basics. There is many web pages providing tips for meta post, I also recommand a paper written by André Heck on the subject.

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