On Wed, 17 Sep 2008, Ian Smith wrote:

On Tue, 16 Sep 2008 17:48:48 +1000 (EST) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > On Tue, 16 Sep 2008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From a digest post, trimming a bit ..

> >>>       After 3 years, by apache 1.3 server quite working.  It shows a
> >>> PID, it's running, it can be stopped and restarted, and from FreeBSD
> >>> the home page comes up using lynx http://andrsn.stanford.edu
> >>>
> >>>       But from outside, it times out.
> >>>
> >>>       I have run the texts for valid configuration (I haven't changed
> >>> anything) and I actually rebooted the machine.  The texts are okay and
> >>> rebooting doesn't help.
> >>>
> >>>       The machine is pingable.  It's running FreeBSD 5.5 or so.
> >>>
> >>>       What to do next?
> >>>
> >>>               Annelise
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>
> >> Hmm..
> >> Can it connect to the outside world at all itself? Has the network
> >> changed
> >> at all recently? Did the server restart at all and if so are the
> >> firewall
> >> rules (if any) permitting external traffic?
> >>
> >> You could check the apache logs to see if any external connections are
> >> getting through to the box at all, too.
> >>
> >> Is the lynx test connecting from the same box to itself? or from another
> >> FreeBSD box..?
> >
> >>From the same box to itself.

What about from other boxes 'inside' your domain?

> >> --
> >> Also, what Chris said would cover most of these. :)
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> Mark
> >
> > Chris wrote:
> >
> >>Sounds like a (probebly external) firewall issue. Just because pings get
> >>through, doesn't mean the http requests are.
> >
> > No firewall on my machine.

No, but there are (hopefully :) Stanford firewall/s between you and the
outside world.  Might they have upgraded policy about allowing inbound
port 80 connections to boxes not known/expected to be running servers?

> >>I'd run ngrep or tcpdump on the console and double-check that the packets
> >>are actually making it to the server.
> >
> >>Also, do a "sockstat -4" and make sure it's listening on the approprate
> >>IP.
> >
> > Thank you both--
> >
> > sockstat -4 show that it's listening on *:80, which is right.
> > Neither tcpdump (assuming I'm reading it correcting) nor httpd-access.log
> > shows any tcp packets at all getting through except when lynx is run
> > from the machine on which apache is running after Sept 12 at 2:12 a.m.
> > Thus, I assume packets are not getting to the server, except when
> > requested from the local machine.

Sounds like your machine is setup ok, but inbound tcp setup packets are
apparently getting blocked upstream.

> > email and ftp are working--and I can log into the machine remotely--
> > so stuff is getting out and in.  tcpdump shows a lot of other activity,

Specific like 'tcpdump -pn -i $iface tcp port 80' quells other noise.

> > So, I'm stumped.
> >
> >       Annelise

Ok, ping and DNS look fine.  I (also) can traceroute your box this far:

14  bbrb-isp.Stanford.EDU (  193.489 ms  193.562 ms  195.603 ms
15  * * *
16  * * *
17  * * *
18  * *^C

I don't know whether you allow inbound traceroutes? but the question
now is, how many routers between you and and bbrb-isp.Stanford.EDU ?

Can you show us a 'traceroute bbrb-isp.Stanford.EDU' from your machine?

> This might sound like an odd test, but try configuring it to sit on a port
> other than 80 (8080, for example) and seeing if you get the same problem
> there.
> Cheers,
> Mark

If you're thinking what I'm thinking, 8080's just as unlikely to work :)

cheers, Ian

I think port 80 is being filtered.  I have started talking to the admins.
The traceroute looks like this--

andrsn  2:23PM ~ % traceroute bbrb-isp.Stanford.EDU
traceroute to bbrb-isp.Stanford.EDU (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets 1 goz-srtr-vlan910.Stanford.EDU ( 0.610 ms 0.571 ms 0.711 ms
 2  * bbra-rtr.Stanford.EDU (  1.093 ms *
 3  * * *
 4  * * *
 ....and so forth indefinitely.

When I filter out non-tcp traffic nothing shows up at all.

I have not tried another port yet, but will do that now.

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