On Mon, 2008-09-22 at 08:25 -0400, Steve Bertrand wrote:
> Da Rock wrote:
> > Excuse me for jumping in on this thread, I'm only just starting to look
> > into IPv6 for myself.
> > 
> > My ISP has informed me that it doesn't support IPv6 yet, and won't for
> > some time. I have a DNS server and sites on IPv4, but I'd like to be
> > able to support IPv6- does the fact that my ISP doesn't support it stop
> > me from serving on IPv6? I'd think it does, but some clarity from
> > experts might help...
> If you only need IPv6 essentially for testing (ie. low bandwidth
> requirements && no SLA), then I can provide you a tunnel into our
> network, and provide you with as much IPv6 space to play with as you like.
> You will need a router (Cisco, FreeBSD, Juniper etc) at your edge in
> order to establish an IPv6IP tunnel to one of my routers.
> Email me off-list if you are interested in further details.
> BTW, to answer your question, no... even if your ISP is not IPv6
> compliant, that does not stop you from implementing IPv6 on your public
> servers.

Well, thats interesting on both counts. To the first, I don't have the
hardware yet, but I was making some investigations to explore what I
should be getting to implement IPv6.

To the second, can you recommend any material on how this is possible? I
have a pretty good knowledge of IPv4, but I haven't had the chance to
look at IPv6 yet. That said, from what I do know I wasn't sure about the
routing and how my ISP was going to forward the packets. And from my
understanding, IPv6 is going to be a whole lot more fun than the
previous era... :)

Thanks again for clearing that up.

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