sergio lenzi a écrit :
Em Qui, 2008-08-14 às 23:29 +0200, Bernard Lecuire escreveu:
I have a problem with the installation.
I choose country, keyboard and then I can not continue installation,
because it says "No disks found! Please verify that your disk controller is 

Hardware: Acer Aspire M1641,Intel Pentium Dual Core E2180, nVidia GeForce 7050, sata-500
Here is what i get during boot sequence:

hptrr: HPT RocketRAID controller driver v1.1 (Feb 24 2008 10:34:18)
atapci0: <nVidia nForce MCP73 UDMA133 controller> port 
0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6,0x170-0x177,0x376,0xffa0-0xffaf at device 8.0 on pci0
ata0: <ATA channel 0> on atapci0
ata0: [ITHREAD]
ata1: <ATA channel 1> on atapci0
ata1: [ITHREAD]

I tried to install without success FreeBSD 7.0, 8.0, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and 4-5 
Linux distros.
Anyone an idea?

In my country (Brazil) you could go to the shop
before 7 days passed after you bought this "*%$$@"  and
change for a TRUE notebook .... HP, Asus, toshiba, LG.. with no questions asked...

I think that ACER makes their hardware to work only for windows vista....
and works very bad indeed...
please stay away from those "&#%###"
I do not see any good thing in ACER.....
1) they do not care about customers,
2) the main board is stripped down to a minimum
3) the bios is "unique"  totally out of any convension and
    always buggy....
4) the battery has fewer cells...
5) the wireless is poor...

Only the price is good... but compare it with a good notebook,
you will see that those 200 dollars less that you pay for an acer
is TOO expensive... Even using windows, you will spend that more by the time you
will need an  anti-virus + an office pack...

In 6 more months, acer will drop down that line and you will
not find any replacement part of it... Like many things done
in asia, it is only a "toy"....
Want a good notebook??? buy an apple book... in an apple
store you can buy a good one for about 1200 dollars....
13 inches, dual core, 1gb of memory 120gb of disk....
everything works... even Leopard....


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Good diagnosis. I changed the motherboard (to Asus), and now it works!
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