> I would like to use securelevel to secure a backup schedluded box made
> with FreeBSD.
> This box mount and unmount external USB disk where the backup is made once
> a week.

In that case, you can't set the securelevel higher than 1.

> Which would be the correct secure level ? 1, 2, or 3?

0 or 1.

> I don't want nobody modify scripts and root things, like adding a user to
> make the thing by itself, ... or modify my crontab scripts, etc...

Is this a machine that typically has users logging into it?  If not, I
would concentrate on securing the login procedures available rather
than working on limiting the abilities of accounts once they have
access to the machine.  Securelevel is useful in a fairly narrow range
of situations: some of the less obvious are that you have to be sure
that you will notice quickly if the machine reboots, and the machine
has to be physically secure.

> Also, where i must put the kern.securelevel?

Set it in rc.conf.

> I didnt understood very well in the manual and handbook in which part of
> the bootin process (rc) i must put the line in rc.conf?

See the manual for rc.conf(5). 
You will want the kern_securelevel_enable and kern_securelevel

Lowell Gilbert, embedded/networking software engineer, Boston area
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