On Mon, 06 Oct 2008 09:28:12 -0400, "Aryeh M. Friedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>> If you are using XFCE4 then you are reaping all the benefits of the
>>> freely available work of others.  This style of subject is offensive
>>> to their efforts to provide a light-weight, beautiful, functional
>>> and fast performing desktop environment in a multitude of UNIX
>>> platforms.
>>> Please consider using a less confrontational style for posting
>>> questions in the future.
>> It depends on how you read it.  I read the Subject line to mean "I'm
>> asking a stupid question", not "xfce is stupid".  I'm pretty sure
>> Aryeh meant the lesser, not the latter.
> Just for clarity thats what I meant... I use it specifically because it
> is the best desktop out there and has not made the same mistakes gnome
> and/or kde did (the only complaint I have is it your be nice if the
> desktop would updat7e it self as you change the contents of ~/Desktop)

Ok, an apology from me is in order then.  My non-native English failed
to parse the subject correctly, sorry about that :-/

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