At Wed, 8 Oct 2008 15:38:32 +0100,
Mike Clarke wrote:
> On Sunday 05 October 2008, WATANABE Kazuhiro wrote:
> > So you will be able to use Canon iP4500 (and MP610/MP520/iP3500) with
> > the procedure below.
> Thanks for the detailed installation instructions for the Pixma iP4500 
> linux drivers from Canon.
> I followed the instructions and everything went very smoothly apart from 
> one minor problem. Using rpm2cpio and cpio to extract the files from 
> cnijfilter-ip4500series-2.80-1.i386.rpm resulted in all the directories 
> being created with mode 700. This resulted in "permission denied" 
> errors when piping an ascii test file through a2ps and gs to cifip4500. 

Ouch... I tested the instructions on 8-current which had been
introduced bsdcpio.  FreeBSD 7.x and the former bundles GNU cpio.

2.7 and the former versions of GNU cpio has a bug.  If the original
cpio archive has no information about directories (such as the output
of rpm2cpio), the old GNU cpio sets those permission to 700

The latest version of GNU cpio, and bsdcpio reflects the value of
umask in such a case.

> After setting the directory permissions to 755 everything was fine and 
> I now have a functional printer.

So currently the users other than 8-current should do the following

$ mkdir ip4500                                  # working directory
$ cd ip4500
$ rpm2cpio /PATH/TO/cnijfilter-ip4500series-2.80-1.i386.rpm | cpio -ivd
$ find ./usr -type d | xargs chmod 755          # fix directory permission
$ su
# cp -Ri ./usr /compat/linux/
# /compat/linux/sbin/ldconfig -r /compat/linux

> The output quality is much better than I could get with the gutenprint 
> driver but the output is limited to 600 dpi so it's nothing like as 
> good as the windows driver in high quality mode. But it is certainly 
> good enough for normal day to day use and I don't mind switching to 
> Windows for the occasional high quality photo print. 
> -- 
> Mike Clarke
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