On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 12:13:12PM +1300, Jonathan Chen wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 04:15:18PM -0600, Darryl Hoar wrote:
> > Greetings,
> > I have a machine setup running 4.7 - stable.  It is an internal machine.
> > How do I setup a user (so they can upload with ftp) but can't login at
> > the shell ?  Is this possible ?
> Set up the users with a non-existent shell (eg: /nonexistent), and add
> the non-existent shell entry into /etc/shells.

Conventionally such users woud be given a shell of "/sbin/nologin", which
must also be added into the list contained in "/etc/shells".
The program "/sbin/nologin" already exists, so no need to create it.

   Cliff Sarginson 
   The Netherlands

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