hello list,
 a little story about samba and FreeBSD.
I had to make a file server for a company that uses a program for
accounting. that software works with lots of files to do the job.

the software admin told me that the permissions should be very open on the
directories and files
so i made them 0777. the software worked like a charm for about 2 months but
after that
at some point the client couldn't access the files on the samba server.
 The files were there with the correct permissions but the software refused
to access them with
an error that they don't exist. I've tried to debug samba but couldn't find
a clue, i have updated
FreeBSD because i thought that the problem is with seekdir because the
software was usign lot of files
and directories. That didn't solve the problem either.
 I have searched the web for a guidance but couldn't find any. The
interesting part comes when
the company decided to change the OS to openSUSE. That did the trick. So
thing that comes in mind is that FreeBSD + samba + that accounting software
just don't work together.
I didn't had the chance to debug it as i should because they needed a fix

I have always used FreeBSD for web/file/VoIP server and never had a problem.
I even have a FBSD
box that server as a file server and there are lots of files and 10 depth
directories and it works like a charm.

I have no conclusions, is just a story of my own to help you make an

all the best,

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Frank Bonnet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Charles Mason wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 4:42 PM, Wojciech Puchar
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I am very interrested by feedback of "real world" samba admins running it
>>>> with FreeBSD
>>>> or Linux , my boss push hardly to use Linux but I would much prefer
>>>> FreeBSD
>>> do what your boss wants. it's his company, and it's his right to make bad
>>> decision
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>> If he's a good boss (as the poster seem to be implying) then he will
>> be asking because he hasn't made his mind up his mind completely, but
>> yeah don't get fired over it :)
>>  From what I have seen, both are perfectly capable and since its samba
>> that will be doing most of the actual work its probably doesn't matter
>> that much. Of course the next question if he goes with Linux, is which
>> distro. Perhaps the question should be FreeBSD v Red Hat v Ubuntu v
>> SUSE v latest flavour of the month. Since keeping it patched is
>> essential, these sorts of admin features do matter.
>> I am not sure what File System you plan on using but FreeBSD does have
>> one killer feature Linux doesn't, ZFS. Linux thanks to licensing
>> issues doesn't really have a solid implementation yet (although there
>> have been attempts). If you need its features and can put a decent
>> amount of RAM in to the file server, to good be a good choice and
>> perhaps just the angle you are looking for.
>> To be honest I haven't used ZFS in serious production yet although I
>> have been running it at home on my DIY 1.25tb NAS without any issues
>> for nearly a year. Still if you have spent a lot an expensive RAID
>> system disabling it and using ZFS's superior (unless you really spent
>> a lot on that RAID hardware) redundancy may not go down to well.
>> Hope that's of some help.
>> Charlie M
> Hello
> Thanks for your answer, filesystem is not really my problem I'll
> use a Netapp server for home directories.
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