On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 03:31:07PM +0100, Andy Smith wrote:

>    Hi Jerry,
>      ok thanks for the answer, its not very good news for me ;( as Ive
>    already done alot of config and installed alot of apps, but anyway
>    thats my problem now!
>    cheers Andy!

Interesting, you seemed to have seen my reply before I sent it...
This format is much better - plain text in the body of the message.

Sorry that starting over might be needed.   See if you can discover
along the way where the problem might have started.

I usually take sequential notes as I do an install just in case I have 
to do it over, so I don't have to think so hard the next time... 


>    --------- Original Message --------
>    From: "Jerry McAllister" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>    To: "andys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>    Cc: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
>    Subject: Re: bsdlabel partiton c error message on new install
>    Date: 17/10/08 18:11
>    On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 02:13:45PM +0200, andys wrote:
>    > Hi,
>    >
>    > on a newly installed FreeBSD 7.0 system on a dell 1950 server I see
>    the
>    > following error from bsdlabel. Is there any known issues with this
>    or is
>    > the only reasonable explanation that I have managed to mess it up
>    without
>    > even knowing? :P And should I manually change the partition c to fix
>    the
>    > prob? Is this safe to do?
>    >
>    > bsdlabel -A /dev/da0s1
>    > # /dev/da0s1:
>    > type: SCSI
>    > disk: da0s1
>    > label:
>    > flags:
>    > bytes/sector: 512
>    > sectors/track: 63
>    > tracks/cylinder: 255
>    > sectors/cylinder: 16065
>    > cylinders: 17750
>    > sectors/unit: 285155328
>    > rpm: 3600
>    > interleave: 1
>    > trackskew: 0
>    > cylinderskew: 0
>    > headswitch: 0 # milliseconds
>    > track-to-track seek: 0 # milliseconds
>    > drivedata: 0
>    >
>    > 8 partitions:
>    > # size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
>    > a: 20971520 0 4.2BSD 2048 16384 28552
>    > b: 20971520 75497472 swap
>    > c: 285153687 0 unused 0 0 # "raw" part, don't
>    > edit
>    > d: 20971520 20971520 4.2BSD 2048 16384 28552
>    > e: 20971520 41943040 4.2BSD 2048 16384 28552
>    > f: 12582912 62914560 4.2BSD 2048 16384 28552
>    > bsdlabel: partition c doesn't cover the whole unit!
>    > bsdlabel: An incorrect partition c may cause problems for standard
>    system
>    > utilities
>    >
>    > thanks for any advice, Im not really confident with the FreeBSD disk
>    > management as I havent used it much,
>    If you were using sysinstall, I am not sure how this would come up.
>    Do you have more than one slice on the disk - that which MS refers
>    to as a 'primary partition'? Something you might do to create a
>    'dual boot' machine.
>    Are you in the position where you can just wipe it and do a
>    reinstall? I wouldn't just move or resize the c partition after
>    the fact.
>    The c partition should be equal to the size of the slice it is in.
>    That should just be true after the fdisk part of the operation unless
>    there is something wrong with the size or alignment of the slice
>    itself. And, in that case, I would expect it to have complained
>    way back in the sysinstall-fdisk part of the process.
>    So, I would start over if I could.
>    Just some pictorial perspective to make it easier (I hope) to
>    visualize.
>    Whole device
>    ____________________________________________________________
>    | slice 1 : FreeBSD Slice 2 : slice 3 : Slice 4 |
>    | : : : |
>    | :<- partition c ->: : |
>    |Some MS thing : ' ' ' ' : Some Linux : Extra |
>    | :pa' pb ' pd ' pe ' pn: thing : slice |
>    | : ' ' ' ' : : |
>    | : ' ' ' ' : : |
>    -------------------------------------------------------------
>    A device (whole disk) can have up to 4 slices labeled 1..4.
>    Each slice can be of different types.
>    MS calls slices 'primary partitions'.
>    Each FreeBSD type slice can be divided in to "8" (really 7) partitions
>    that are labeled a..h. But, c must be used to define the whole slice.
>    Slices are created by fdisk. Fdisk also writes the device's MBR.
>    Partitions are created by bsdlabel (disk label in early versions of
>    FreeBSD)
>    bsdlabel also writes the slice's boot block.
>    It is possible to leave empty space in the whole disk that is not
>    allocated to any slice or within any given slice that is not allocated
>    to any partition. The total of a..h not counting c, plus any non-
>    allocated space, must add up to c.
>    It is possible to create what someone has dubbed a 'dangerously
>    dedicated'
>    disk and just not create slices, but just use bsdlabel to divide the
>    whole disk in to FreeBSD partitions a-h. The c partition must still
>    refer to the whole space available for FreeBSD partitioning.
>    I think it is also possible to just newfs the disk without using
>    either fdisk or bsdlabel and create one filesystem without slices
>    or partitions. I haven't tried it.
>    Both fdisk and bsdlabel are supposed to keep track of the sizes
>    correctly, automatically. That is why I suggest starting over.
>    If you use sysinstall, it calls fdisk and bsdlabel for you and you
>    don't have to do it separately unless you want to look and see
>    what it did.
>    ////jerry
>    >
>    > thanks Andy.
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