On Wednesday 29 October 2008 23:02:43 Eduardo Meyer wrote:

> ps -ax -o pid -o user -o emul -o lstart -o lockname -o stat -o command

First of all you will want -ww, since the command will otherwise be truncated.
Secondly, you can comma seperate the -o arguments for brevity, so:

ps -awwx -o pid,user,emul,lstart,lockname,stat,command

will be your command.
You forgot to mention what language your CGI will be in, so I'll just give you 
the simplest algorithm:
- read the first line
- record position of the first character after a space character, by simply 
walking the line char by char
- Using those positional numbers it is now trivial to extract the information 
from the rest of the lines.


Problem with today's modular software: they start with the modules
    and never get to the software part.
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