J MPZ wrote:
Hi guys,
I have some problem with my FreeBSD server. I have this:
######### ########### #########
# Linux1 # -> ASA -> Internet -> # FreeBSD # -> # Linux2 #
######### ########### #########
If I run a ssh for Linux1 to FreeBSD, my connection freeze when the return
of some command is a big text. Example:
I make a ssh connection in the from the Linux1 to FreeBSD server, then, I
execute some commands, like: 'pwd', 'whoami', 'ls /'... this work perfectly.
But, if I run some command that return a big text, like as: 'ls /dev/', or
top, my connection freeze.
In other terminal, the tcpdump continues showing packets in this connection
that was freeze.
If I try to access the Linux2, throught FreeBSD (redirect port on natd or
redirect port with rinetd), the same thing happens.
Is this a problem with FreeBSD? Someone know how I can fix it? Some sysctl?
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The tcpdump that you say continues showing packets......are the packets
leaving the freeBSD machine or arriving at the FreeBSD machine.
My guess is you meant leaving the FreeBSD destined for your linux
machine. If this is the case, then the problem most likely lies with
the ASA.
If you monitor the ASA's external interface during your testing, do you
see packets arriving? If so, do you see packets leaving the internal
interface going back to your Linux1 machine?
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