Rada alive wrote:
On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 3:38 PM, FBSD1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What irc, pop mail, and usenet clients from gmone or kde or x would you
recommend to use on xfce?

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I suggest irssi or Xchat for IRC, mutt or Thunderbird for mail (The latter
for usenet also, idk if mutt supports usenet).
irssi and mutt if you like CLI, Xchat and Thunderbird if you like GUI's.
I have been using irssi (+bitlbee) for my IRC/IM needs for ages now, works like a charm for me. And thunderbird has been my mail client ever since 0.2. so I'd agree they are nice choises. I haven't used thunderbird for usenet stuff though; I only used usenet for downloading purposes. Used pan as a desktop-solution. Worked fine in my opinion. For a more server-like solution you may want to take a look at SabNZBd.
But best of all to use is whatever _you_ would recommend somebody to use.

Yep, feel free to try out some stuff but choose whatever *you* think works nice

Good luck,


- Frank

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