"Gian Paolo Buono" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> from web ports I have see   (
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/ports.cgi?query=nagios-3&stype=all&sektion=all)
> that is relased the version nagios-3.0.4_1 of nagios but I have on my system
> the version nagios-3.0.3.
> Now if i try to update nagios from cvsup I run the follow comands:
> cd /usr/ports/ ; make update ; make fetchindex
> When the upgrade is finished, i run:
> portversion -l '<' -v | grep nagios
> but nagios-3.0.4_1 is not present.
> This is my /etc/make.conf file:
> #############make.conf#################
> CPUTYPE=                i686
> CFLAGS=                 -O -pipe
> INSTALL=                install -C
> SUP_UPDATE=             yes
> SUP=                    /usr/local/bin/cvsup
> SUPFLAGS=               -g -L 2
> SUPHOST=                cvsup18.FreeBSD.org
> SUPFILE=                /usr/share/examples/cvsup/stable-supfile
> PORTSSUPFILE=           /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile
> DOCSUPFILE=             /usr/share/examples/cvsup/doc-supfile
> WRKDIRPREFIX=           /var/tmp
> WITHOUT_GNOME=          true
> MAKE_IDEA=              YES
> PERL_ARCH=              mach
> NOPERL=                 yo
> NO_PERL=                yo
> NO_PERL_WRAPPER=        yo
> #############make.conf#################
> cvsup18.FreeBSD.org has not yet updated ? Have you an idea ?

cvsup18 has the latest.  You're obviously having trouble with the
index file, because that (or a database derived therefrom) is what
portversion is looking at to determine what's out of date.

Check the ports-mgmt/nagios/Makefile to be sure it is in fact showing
the new version.

Lowell Gilbert, embedded/networking software engineer, Boston area
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