On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 3:26 PM, RW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 05 Nov 2008 06:52:06 -0800
> the only
>> thing that updated was the meta-port (I did a portupgrade -r too).
> Aside from the fact that there are separate kde meta-ports,
> portupgrade -r kde... updates the metaport and everything that depends
> on the metaport, not everything the metaport depends on.

Thanks for the clarification.  I think I had things backwards.

Also, as I'd like to go to KDE 4, should I do a make deinstall in
kdebase, or perhaps pkg_delete for the kde packages before installing?
 I know that the first respondent said the two versions could be run
in tandem, and while I've got plenty of disk space for this, it also
seems quite error prone.  What would be the recommended course?


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