On Fri, Nov 07, 2008 at 06:28:07AM -0500, Michael Powell wrote:
> If you are totally new to Linux/Unix and have zero experience and just want
> an easy, out of the box "something other" than XP you might try the latest
> incarnation of Kubuntu. I know in a FreeBSD list these comments are
> sacrilege, but the broader picture is what your needs truly are.

I'd suggest PC-BSD instead, and not only because it's a FreeBSD spin-off.
It also provides PBI for software management, which will surely provide a
gentler transition for people used to the Microsoft way of installing
software, and doesn't make a lot of the design mistakes I see in Ubuntu
and its spin-offs.

DesktopBSD is a pretty good choice along those lines, too.  Still better
than Ubuntu, in my opinion.

Furthermore . . . they both use KDE by default, and you don't have to use
a red-headed stepchild or second-hand citizen like Kubuntu to get it.

> Now running a real live "Web" presence out of your house is probably not
> really a good idea if it has anything to do with business. A personal blog
> can go down for indefinite periods and no harm done, but a business site is
> a different story. First, the reason for having your servers located in a
> data center is they are sitting directly on the "fat pipes" of the
> Internet. Second, these data centers are "multi homed" in their peerage to
> other backbones. If one connection path develops a problem your site is
> still going to be accessible via one of the other paths. You simply will
> never have the kind of connectivity found in a real data center at home.

Make sure the colocation facility of your choice is multi-homed before
simply assuming it is.  Some aren't.

Chad Perrin [ content licensed PDL: http://pdl.apotheon.org ]
Quoth Larry Wall: "Just don't create a file called -rf."

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