Wojciech Puchar wrote:
>> <opinion>
>> But why are we interested in "converting" people?  That borders on
>> religious, which an operating system should not be.
> exactly.
> it's a good idea to tell people about trying FreeBSD if they are already
> using some flavor of unix.
> One can be "converted" from Solaris to FreeBSD, from NetBSD to OpenBSD,
> and (sometimes) from linux to FreeBSD.
> But not from Windows.
I disagree strongly. If someone has the interest and ability (if only to
read docs), they could certainly change from Windows to FreeBSD. The
point from your quoted post appears to be that it is not a religion to
be converted to from anything, rather a tool that some will use if they
want to, or won't. There's nothing wrong with that.

Depending on what someone is hoping to accomplish, I would certainly
suggest FreeBSD as a suitable tool. It is no sweat off my back if they
use something different though.

To the OP if you're still reading; read through the handbook beforehand.
At least, see if it's really what you want to get into. There are
BSD-based desktop systems that may suit you better if you're looking for
a more familiar experience. There are also many "newbie-friendly" Linux
distributions that could suit you also.

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