versus linux - of course, versus windows - it's different OS, we should
define how do you compare. for example running windows apps under FreeBSD
with wine will probably be slower than under windows.

This is not as constant a truism as one might think.  I haven't run much
software in Wine, but what I have has performed comparably with how it
did on MS Windows, for the most part.  The one case where I could even

very possible. i'm even sure it could work better when good filesystem I/O and VM performance is required. but it may work slower in many cases.

i used wine to run demoscene prods - usually it works slower than in windows.

compatible OS, running windows programs, windows installers, but being
much better and faster.

Why the hell would I want "windows installers"?  The Microsoft model of

to be able to just put say - M$ Office or Corel Draw or whatever CD , click install and get installed
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