Good day.

Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 02:03:33PM -0800, gahn wrote:
> I have two boxes running 6.3. For certain reasons that I can't
> upgrade them online with "freebsd-update" utility; the ftp sessions
> are blocked. Are there any other way to upgrade the system offline,
> both kernel and those needed packages?

CVSup the system and ports trees and transfer it to your system(s).  Or,
better, replicate the entire CVS repository to a removable disk and
cvsup the system and ports (you'll need the port net/cvsup-without-gui)
from that disk via local cvsupd daemon.

Then rebuild the system in a usual way (cd /usr/src; make buildworld;
make kernel; [possibly reboot to single user]; mergemaster -p; make
installworld; mergemaster; reboot).  Note that this can be painful,
especially for the first time ;))  Always read /usr/src/UPDATING and
be careful.

And use ports-mgmt/portupgrade to update all your ports.  Perhaps
the sources for some ports should be fetched manually, becase there
are some ports with all distribution sites being the FTP ones.
 _                ___       _.--.   #
 \`.|\..----...-'`   `-._.-'_.-'`   #  Remember that it is hard
 /  ' `         ,       __.--'      #  to read the on-line manual   
 )/' _/     \   `-_,   /            #  while single-stepping the kernel.
 `-'" `"\_  ,_.-;_.-\_ ',  fsc/as   #
     _.-'_./   {_.'   ; /           #    -- FreeBSD Developers handbook 
    {_.-``-'         {_/            #

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