On Sat, 2003-02-22 at 17:04, Mike wrote:
> Hi all
> I have an IMB ThinkPad 765D by design and age it will not boot from a
> CD. To load Linux on it I used a specific RH boot diskette that would
> allow me to use a CD ROM connect through a serial cable. It has both a
> CD and floppy but you can only have one or the other;(
> Is there anything like that for FreeBSD. I am digging in Google but if
> there's hope let me know
> Cheers
> M;)
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Hi Mike, You could use a win98 boot floppy to get to the CD but the
other way is to go to www.freebsd.org and search the handbook for
installing from floppy. You will need to create two floppies boot.flp
and ...uh..something else with the .flp extension that is on the freebsd
cdrom. Thatis how I always do it.

Hope it helps,

Jon Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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