Drew Tomlinson wrote:
Matthew Seaman wrote:

% perl -p -e 's/cn=([^ ,]+) ([^,]+),/cn=$2 $1,/' < foo.txt

I still don't really understand *why* the above works but I'm trying to pick it apart now.

The RE breaks down like this:

/cn=([^ ,]+) ([^,]+),/
cn=                     Match literal text 'cn='
   (                    capture #1 begin
    [^ ,]               Character class: anything that is not space or comma
         +              At least one of the above
          )             end capture #1
                        Match a literal space
            (           capture #2 begin
             [^,]       Character class: anything that is not a comma
                 +      At least one of the above
                  )     end capture #2
                   ,    Match literal comma



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
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