On Fri, Dec 05, 2008 at 12:20:49PM +0100, Ivan Voras wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I don't even know if this has been done before, nor do I know for sure
> > if it's a sound comparison. Never the less, someone posted, in response
> > to someone else here just a few days ago, some very nice benchmarks
> > provided by Kris ?Kenneway? I could be wrong on the last name, it just
> > seems to me that's a last name I've seen with Kris frequently (my
> > apologies Kris if I'm wrong). Using the URL that the other poster,
> > posted, I poked around the other *.html files in that directory, but did
> > not find any with FreeBSD pitted against windows.
> > 
> > I'm just curious to see how it looks for my own sanity's sake. At work,
> > someone got the grand idea that we should move to Windoze embedded (CE
> > and XPe) and it's been quite discouraging I must say, though I must
> > admit, it's nice to actually know why Windows is ugly underneath. From a
> > programming perspective, it's just not simplistic. Anyway, I digress,
> > I'm just curious to see how things compare to Windows on similar
> > benchmarks to what Kris provided if its ever been done.
> I've done some benchmarking of Windows file system IO (NTFS) using known
> tools like bonnie++, blogbench and postmark under cygwin and the results
> are abysmal. It might be due to cygwin, and it might not. I've used
> Windows Enterprise Server 2003.
> You'll probably not find any difference in computational (numeric) tasks
> and fairly bad results in tasks that do a lot of system work.

While the usefulness of such benchmarks may be suspect, I'd still be
interested in seeing your results.

Chad Perrin [ content licensed PDL: http://pdl.apotheon.org ]
Quoth Anne McClintock, University of Wisconsin: "The decisions that
really matter are made outside the democratic process."

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