On Fri, 2008-12-12 at 19:15 +0100, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
> > cropping up and saying the equivalent of "If we work on that stuff,
> > FreeBSD will just become MS Windows, and it'll suck."  I disagree with
> because linux got exactly that way and it sucks now.

Its better at providing window$ functionality than window$ is and is a
lot more stable. If linux can do that, than imagine what well designed
software on FreeBSD could do (is doing)?

Linux may "suck" (I agree mostly with that sentiment), but it still is a
good halfway house for "head stuck in the sand" M$ users looking for a
better way of doing things. Then they can graduate to utopia... :)

KDE4 at least works better and closer to how it should be on FreeBSD-
even if it is "incomplete".

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