thank you, usleep (nice name)i somehow made it work by
1. add "redirect_port udp 50000" in natd.conf
2. allow all traffic and diversion in ipfw.rules

i tried to limit the traffic by modifying the rules in ipfw.rules,
but unsuccessfully. so i just leave it be at this moment.
i am very confused by the roles of natd and ipfw, and how they should work


On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 8:40 AM, <> wrote:

> Hi Ricard,
> On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 9:27 PM, Richard Yang <>wrote:
>> hi,
>> i have a ssh machine behind a freebsd firewall with nat and ipfw.
>> how do i make port forwarding so internet can access the ssh machine?
>> thanx
> i think you need to configure /etc/ipnat.conf ( read 'man ipnat' ). this is
> a example definition:
> rdr em1 port 2223 -> port 22
> ( this redirects incoming traffic on outside-interface em1 port 2223 to an
> internal machine on port 22 )
> also, include "firewall_nat_enable" in your rc.conf ( read 'man rc.conf' )
> to configure the settings from ipnat.conf, run "ipnat -C -f
> /etc/ipnat.conf"
> regards,
> usleep
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