On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 05:03:59AM +0100, Mitar wrote:
> Hi!
> On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 4:58 AM, Gary Kline <kl...@thought.org> wrote:
> > Just a thought, but have you figured out what the value of
> > that OR is? then check the 6.x and 7.x src.
> You mean O_RDONLY? Is not that 0? So that O_RDONLY | O_APPEND is the
> same as O_APPEND? (That is why I am writing about O_APPEND flag and
> not O_RDONLY | O_APPEND as that bug report.
> Mitar

        i WAS in fact, just looking at man open, but not the header.
        just check the int values for the two #defines, OR them, then
        stare at the 6.x and 7.x code.  more simply, diff the two....

        this is a bug--thanks for the Clue--but it is fixable.

        nutshell, it may be zero: i don't know.


 Gary Kline  kl...@thought.org  http://www.thought.org  Public Service Unix
        http://jottings.thought.org   http://transfinite.thought.org
    The 2.17a release of Jottings: http://jottings.thought.org/index.php

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