El día Wednesday, January 07, 2009 a las 03:17:02PM +0100, Polytropon escribió:

> On Wed, 7 Jan 2009 08:25:45 -0500, "Brian McCann" <bjmcc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all.  I'm trying to install FreeBSD 7.1 off the CD to a USB thumb
> > drive, but every time I try it fails.  sysinstall says "Unable to make
> > new root filesystem on /dev/da0s1a1.  Command returned status 38".
> > When I switch to the debug console, I get "cg 0: bad magic number".
> > This thumb drive was being used on my Windows machine previously, then
> > I re-formatted it as UFS to use it on a FreeBSD machine...so I know
> > the thumb drive itself works.  Can someone shed some light on this
> > problem?
> I could only suggest to eliminate all slices and partitions on the
> thumb drive (such as it was a new "disk" right from the factory)
> and let sysinstall put slice and partitions onto it.

The problem is that 'from the factory' sometimnes they come already Windows-like
formated; I've wiped out all with:

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da0 bs=1m

(double check that /dev/da0 is really the device you want to clean)


Matthias Apitz
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