On Wed, 7 Jan 2009 18:11:56 -0500, David Karapetyan 
<david.karapet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, I already am using colors. However, when I open mutt, the email
> located in the middle of my terminal screen is the one that is
> highlighted, rather than the topmost one. This strikes me as odd; I'd
> like for the topmost email (email #1) to be highlighted.

I can't find an option that may tune this sort of behavior in the
`.muttrc' startup file, but you can use a hook that is executed
every time a folder is opened:

        folder-hook '1' .*

This will simulate an event of `1<RETURN>' every time you open a
folder whose name matches the regular-expression `.*'.  Matching
all folder names, the command will be executed every time you
open any folder, and mutt will move the current message pointer
to the first message in the folder.

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