Josh Carroll wrote:
> What I do is the following via make.conf,

I think this is a good solution. Given that incredible foot-shooting
power of the -j stuff I am not inclined to add something like this to
portmaster, not even as an "advanced" option.


> which will work for
> portmaster/portupgrade or manual builds:
> # set MAKE_ARGS for the build target(s)
> .if !(make(*install) || make(package))
> MAKE_ARGS+=-j8
> .endif
> Then as you find ports that don't build properly, add an entry like this:
> # some ports don't like -j8, so we can undo the MAKE_ARGS addition for those
> .if ${.CURDIR:M*/multimedia/mplayer}
> .endif
> It's a bit of a hack, but I've had decent success with this. Enough
> ports fail to build with -jX, that I'd never do the above on a
> production machine, especially since it's possible for some sort of
> silent error that produces an unpredictable binary. But for my home
> machine, I've been pretty happy with it.
> Regards,
> Josh


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