On Wed, Feb 26, 2003 at 02:10:51PM -0600, Bryan Cassidy wrote:

> I have found many Mac wallpapers online that are in .sit format and I
> was wondering if there was a way I could convert a .sit file to say a
> .png file so I could use the image on freebsd 5?

.sit is Stuffit, an archiver/compressor similar to zip, or tar+gzip.
You'll need to extract the file(s) in the archive and see what graphics
format they're really in.

Take a look at /usr/ports/archivers/stuffit.  I don't know if it works
with all Stuffit files or not (e.g. it may be outdated).

Matthew Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Eight lanes of shimmering cement from
http://www.pobox.com/~mph/           * here to Pasadena!

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