Peter Ulrich Kruppa schrieb:
On Fri, 30 Jan 2009, Uwe Laverenz wrote:

Peter Ulrich Kruppa schrieb:

gdm-2.24.1_5 is not broken, else I couldn't have logged onto my gnome-desktop some minutes ago. But there are some feature-regressions

Sorry, do you mean you logged into a _remote_ machine (via XDMCP) that is running GDM 2.24 and listens to UDP 177? Because this is the thing that doesn't work for us. When I said "broken", I meant that XDMCP does not work anymore (and a few other things that users were comfortable with).
Sorry, I didn't catch the original posters second last line, my fault. Xdmcp is not available via gdm-2.24 .


As a little excuse to the original poster I did some research:
How about using

        # Xorg -query <IP-address> :<display-number>

from command line? (Mind: you have to set display number to something different from default 0 (p.ex. 1 or 2) if you are calling from inside an already running Xorg).

That's a really "thin" client and it seems to work (for me - I can logon to my wifes Debian machine).


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