
OK, so right now I've been reading this, and I had a look at the configuration file for FreeBSD-update, and it seems I could use that to test it out since I haven't really used it before, by basically running it with -r RELEASE and it would upgrade everything to that?

also being from the Linux world, I'm having a slight bit of trouble understanding one part, which is what "upgrades" mean in BSD VS Linux.

For example, on my Slackware boxes, I can do this to update / upgrade when a security problem is found and patched:

upgradepkg name-of-package-slack12.tgz and it upgrades it.

On here they have a different meaning though I THINK... I'm not positive yet if I'm understanding this right, or if I've gotten confused.

I'm not giving up because I'm really enjoying how FreeBSD works, and always have loved it, and this time I've decided to take the time to learn how to run it properly, which is why the last two weeks, I've spent most of my time using it, asking questions on here, and reading my library of books on BSD, and reading the BSD web site in the handbook area so to not ask questions I can find easy.

So, am I confusing these terms with how they work? Or..?

Really I just want to make sure I have the security patches installed by running something I could maybe add to cron later, or make a very simple perl script, but if that isn't the best solution, at least I'd like to have security patches installed and have my machine up to date as much as possible with fixes.

So, for making sure my machine is updated with the latest security patches and bug fixes, would CVS maybe be better, or FreeBSD-update? Or both?

Also if I'm not getting annoying yet, which I may very well be heh, when it asks for RELEASE in FreeBSD-update, I know that STABLE is the stable and trusted one, and RELEASE is the latest one but is tested enough to be used, and then the bleeding edge one you shouldn't use.... Which would one pick who wanted to keep updated to do this with and not be totally insane?

Thanks all, and apologies on length / number of questions. I'm just tryign to understand how it works so I can take some notes and remember for myself how it works without breaking it/
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Akenner wrote:

I've continued reading to keep myself updated with info used, and I have a few questions about what I've seen about freebsd-update:

I've read not to use FreeBSD-update AND cvsup together, and so I've decided to go along with this as to not cause problems for myself.

Does FreeBSD-update have any benefit over the cvsup method? I've heard you don't have to go single user and a few other things, but does it have any actual benefit?



You don't have to recompile anything (can be lengthy esp. on older machines), the mergemaster step is usually a lot simpler and less tedious. Very useful for people tracking RELEASE and the security branch. You still need csup / cvsup to track STABLE or CURRENT though.

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