On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 03:46:11AM -0800, Chris McCluskey wrote:
> I'm having some issues with Sendmail with the MSP, and I have read so
> many docs I have confused myself!
> My issue is the following. I'm running 4.7p4 with the 8.12.x Sendmail.
> I want to route all local mail to a central mail hub (I'm doing this
> somewhat successfully with LOCAL_RELAY and MAIL_HUB). But I'm hitting
> a wall with the new MSP (the submit.cf stuff) and mail. When I try to
> write an e-mail message using the local mail from a localhost user to
> an outside address, the message isn't transferred to the mail hub, but
> gets stored in the clientmqueue for processing, and just sits there. I
> get the following log entry:
> Feb 20 23:06:55 server sendmail[16892]: h1L76tFs016892: from=chris,
> size=42, class=0, nrcpts=1,
> msgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Feb 20 23:06:55 server sendmail[16892]: h1L76tFs016892:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], delay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, pri=30041,
> dsn=4.4.3, stat=queued
> I thought that LOCAL_RELAY was supposed to relay stuff like this and
> send it on -- but I don't think that the normal sendmail daemon is
> looking at this queue (that's what the MSP is for after all, right?!).
> I thought about using genericstable to rewrite the base domain of the
> local users, but it doesn't look like MSP would even look at it to do
> the domain rewrite anyway. Any help would be appreciated.
> My assumption riding though all of this is that on a normal system,
> the only thing that uses the LOCAL mailer part of Sendmail (and now
> the MSP mailer) is the CLI mailer "mail". Most other programs use SMTP
> to talk directly with a local mail relay.

Try this:

On each of your client machines (not you mail server), set up the
sm-msp process to submit the e-mail directly to the sm-mta on your
mail server.  This means you don't need to run a sm-mta process on
each of your client machines, and just the sm-msp process to check and
flush the queue occasionally.

In /etc/rc.conf


In /etc/mail/submit.mc, modify the last line that says
FEATURE(`msp'... so that it directs the e-mail directly to the mail
submission port (587) on your mail server:

    FEATURE(`msp', `[smtp.your.domain]', `MSA')dnl

The square brackets act to suppress the normal MX lookups sendmail
does --- usually you don't want that with this sort of mail submission
setup.  Rebuild submit.cf and restart the sm-msp daemon:

    # cd /et/mail
    # make install-submit-cf
    # make restart-mspq

Now, all new mail submissions should be routed through the central
mail server.  You'll need to ensure the central server will handle the
mail for machines in your domain, which usually entails entering all
of the names of all your hosts into the /etc/mail/local-host-names



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
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