On Wed, Feb 04, 2009 at 02:34:35PM -0700, Steve Franks wrote:
> > I think "portupgrade -f p5-XML-Parser" got me over the hurdle. There was
> !!!
> > a file missing altho the port was installed. Forced it to build and
> !!!
> > reinstall and things were able to build once again.
> Someone (maintainer or upstream) should be paying more attention here.
>  All my systems have gone thru this problem this week.  That begins to
> cross over from nuisance to something stronger in my book....I don't
> like port problems that break *everything* - should have been obvious
> to catch before releasing it into the wild if it breaks (at my
> estimate) 20+ ports.  Same as the current X.Org 7.4 issues...we losing
> our touch or something?  I like gloating to the linux people about
> robustness.  Hate to give them fodder ;)

yes, I think something went seriously wrong with X after upgrades of
23-24 Jan 2009. I cannot get X to work at all on 7.1-stable or 8.0-current,
and some stubborn problems on 6.4-stable alpha.

I submitted one PR already, and am preparing two more.

Anton Shterenlikht
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