Hi List,

I noticed that my var slice is getting eaten by apache. The amount of free
space is getting less and less per day. So I started to investigate.

I did the following;

# fstat -u www | grep var | more
www      httpd      97042    9 /var      74653 -rw-------  176907484  w
www      httpd      97042   12 /var      71575 -rw-------  1345623  w
www      httpd      97042   13 /var      24693 -rw-r--r--       0  w
www      httpd      97042   15 /var      70919 -rw-------       0  w
www      httpd      97042   16 /var      70919 -rw-------       0  w
www      httpd      26059    9 /var      74653 -rw-------  176907484  w
www      httpd      26059   12 /var      71575 -rw-------  1345623  w

So I have an Inumber, lets search for that.

# find / -inum 74653

This confuses me! That is on a different slice.

When I restart apachectl the space is reclamed and I've got a normal usage
of /var.

# apachectl -v
Server version: Apache/2.2.11 (FreeBSD)
Server built:   Jan 11 2009 22:01:58

# uname -a
FreeBSD wolverine.superhero.nl 7.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE #0: Tue Jan
 6 07:44:32 CET 2009    
drmanhat...@wolverine.superhero.nl:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/WOLVERINE  i386

Any thoughts?


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