On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Constantin Stalzer
<constantinstal...@web.de> wrote:
> Hello, can you please remove all search results with the name "Constantin 
> Stalzer" immediately, so that my name will not be seen on google.
>  thanks in advance...pleasseeeeeeeeeeeeeee
> Thanks, Greeetz

Dear Mr Stalzer,

  I am sorry to inform you that the very act of sending an email to
this list asking for the removal of your name from search results has,
in fact, sent the original posting to the top of the Google rankings
when searching for "Constantin Stalzer".


  At this point, the cat is out of the bag; as we say.  By sending an
email to this list, your request was not only sent to thousands if
individuals, but it was displayed on the pages of countless websites
where the content of this mailing list is redisplayed for public
access.  Those pages will also be indexed by Google over time, raising
the Google-Awareness of your name to even higher levels.  It would not
be absolutely impossible to reverse this process, but I fear it would
take an actual act of the Gods.

  Alas, I can offer no useful advice on how to remove "Constantin
Stalzer" from the search results, and I would be shocked if anyone
else could help either.  It is simply too late.  I am sorry.

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