2009/2/12 Chuck Swiger <cswi...@mac.com>:
> On Feb 12, 2009, at 1:46 PM, Daniel Leal wrote:
>> is there a way to have a freebsd system with file names with accented
>> words. Like "filé.txt" instead of "file.txt". Now if I copy a file with an
>> accented letter to my freebsd box, the accented letter simply disappear.
> UFS supports 8-bit characters except for "/" and "\0", but you also need to
> run a terminal with UTF8 support and use a correct font to view such things.
>  Perhaps this might give you some insight:
>  http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html
> Note that other file systems have more comprehensive Unicode support:
>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems#Limits
> Perhaps I'm biased, but I've long been of the opinion that the Mac platform
> with HFS+ has very good internationalization support.
> Regards,
> --
> -Chuck
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Yeah, I love the way you're allowed a / in filenames on the Mac. Makes
me snigger...

How are you copying the files over?

On my Mac:

[ch...@zeus]~% touch bluurgh\303\251    #\303\251 is what comes up
when I make an é
[ch...@zeus]~% ls
5500plugin.tar          NetBeansProjects/       hist200.txt
Applications/           Pictures/               hist300.txt
Desktop/                Public/                 hist600.txt
Documents/              Rips/                   hist900.txt
Library/                Sites/                  public_html@
Movies/                 bluurghe??              xcodeJava/
Music/                  drop/
[ch...@zeus]~% ls |grep bluu

Look! grep supports that character, but ls doesn't show it properly...

so scp works fine...

[ch...@zeus]~% scp bluurghe\314\201 amnesiac.bayofrum.net:.
bluurghé                                    100%    0     0.0KB/s   00:00
[ch...@zeus]~% ssh amnesiac.bayofrum.net 'ls |grep blu'
[ch...@zeus]~% ssh amnesiac.bayofrum.net 'rm blu*'

Samba seems to do strange things though; copied it over with samba

[ch...@zeus]~% ssh amnesiac.bayofrum.net 'ls |grep blu'

What's with the *?

and after nfs:

[ch...@zeus]~% sudo mount -t nfs amnesiac.bayofrum.net:/usr/home/chris
[ch...@zeus]~% cp bluurghe\314\201 Applications/
[ch...@zeus]~% ssh amnesiac.bayofrum.net 'ls |grep blu'

What?? Why does it work OK with nfs and scp, but not samba?

Really wouldn't bother unless you spend your time exclusively in GUI
environments, just seems a real hassle.


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