Hello, FreeBSD hackers!
And here is my problem:
I use FreeBSD-4.7 Stable at home. My machine also provides an Internet access
in our local network. That's why I set different firewalls, ipfilters and other
stuff to provide the security in our private net. So, I'd also like to defend
my server from OS-detectors, such as nmap and some others and change TCP-stack as well.
And what I do:
sysctl kern.ostype
kern.ostype: FreeBSD
Well, everything is clear. Then I type:
sysctl kern.ostype=Lotus_Notes/DOMINO
but see:
sysctl: oid 'kern.ostype' is read only
Hm, well, in file /usr/src/sbin/sysctl.c I see the following:
if (!(kind&CTLFLAG_WR)) errx(1, "oid '%s' is read only", bufp);
Ok, let it be. sysctl.c depends on the header file, /usr/include/sys/sysctl.h
-bash-2.05b$ cat /usr/include/sys/sysctl.h | grep CTLFLAG_WR
#define CTLFLAG_WR      0x40000000      /* Allow writes to the variable */
As far as I understand, CTLFLAG_WR declaration allows to chande sysctls.
And so, I can't change the value of sysctl, if this sysctl follows to the
condition-"if (!(kind&CTLFLAG_WR))" in /usr/src/sbin/sysctl.c file.
Than's all clear. But one thing: from where does the sysctl take the information
or command to return "false" after being "asked" by condition "if 
Why some sysctl names follow to this condition, return "true" and could be changed 
and others don't follow, return "false" and so, remain unchangeable???
I want to change kern.ostype anyway!

And another question:
I wanna take participating in FreeBSD project. May be there are some sites or links, 
where this question is described, but I wanna ask you directly: I want to translate 
documentation from English into Russian. Please, tell me, which topics aren't occupied 
yet by other interpriters - and I 'll do all possible to translate them!...
Thank you very much.
Best Regards!
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