Mel wrote:
On Monday 16 February 2009 07:56:02 Jonathan Belson wrote:
I export a few samba shares from a FreeBSD amd64 server and I've been
editing text files on one of the shares via a Windows box.
This /usually/ works fine, but occasionally I'll get a pause of several
seconds when I save back a modified file. No errors are generated on the
server, but it causes the smbd process takes a few % of available cpu time,
according to top.
Could this be due to the infamous seekdir/seekdir issue between samba and
FreeBSD? Some of the directories do contain hundreds of files. This post
suggests it has been fixed though:
The server is running -STABLE ('FREEBSD 7.1-PRERELEASE'), as built on
2008/09/08. The file system is zfs. I'm using samba 3.0.34,1, built from
If you can reproduce this behavior using local access or ssh access (taking
samba out of the equivalent) I would take it over to freebsd-fs.
The seekdir is indeed fixed.
If not, increase verbosity for smbd, maybe it spits out a hint why it is
taking so long (smells like locking).
I just moved my work to an exported UFS partition and I've seen the same problem
appear a couple of times. It's possibly a little less frequent though.
So with zfs off the hook, it's possible that the problem lies with samba (or
maybe the editor itself, although I don't remember ever coming across the issue
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