I am trying to set up Apache2+PHP4 on a box running
4.7-RELEASE. I have done that before with no problems
for accessing local PostgreSQL servers, but this time
I need to connect to external databases running on a
couple of DEC AlphaServers running Tru64 Unix and
Oracle 7 and 8i. I`ve installed the oracle7 client
port, but the php4 configuration script (./configure
--without-mysql --with-oracle=/usr/local/oracle7
--with-pgsql --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs)
 stops at some point, saying: 

 checking for Oracle-ORACLE support... yes
 checking Oracle Install-Dir... /usr/local/oracle7
 checking Oracle version... configure: error: Oracle
needed libraries not found

Any ideas? Has someone successfuly configured
Apache2/PHP for connecting to an external Oracle

Many thanks in advance for your help. Please cc to me,
since I am not currently subscribed to the list.

Best regards,

Victor Carranza

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