On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 05:54:37PM +0800, GrimJow Espada wrote:
> what will happen to FreeBSD if Gentoo/BSD is already out, does it affect
> freebsd popularity? i dont like gentoo or gentoo/bsd

I suppose, if the Gentoo/BSD project brings the stability of Gentoo to
the name BSD, we might expect FreeBSD's reputation to be unfairly
tarnished by association.  On the other hand, just as Firefox has proven
to be sort of a "gateway drug" for people on MS Windows who are
encouraged to try something new (and open source) for an OS as well, I
suppose Gentoo/BSD might bring more intelligent people who have something
valuable to contribute to the world of FreeBSD, with only a brief stop in
the land of Gentoo/BSD.

I guess time will tell.

Chad Perrin [ content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]
Quoth Paul Graham: "Real ugliness is not harsh-looking syntax, but
having to build programs out of the wrong concepts."

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