On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 11:30:10AM -0800, Andrew Moran wrote:
> I installed the i386 distro on my Core 2 Duo instead of AMD64 and now  
> I want to switch to using AMD64.

First of all, your Core2 Duo should work just fine with i386. The amd64
architecture is an extension of the x86 arch. Unless you regularly run
out of address space on i386, there is no _need_ to install amd64. Be
aware that some ports (especially binary drivers and ditto plugins) only
run on i386.
> Is there a good path to do this?  Will I have to reinstall, 

Reinstalling is probably the wisest course. Also be aware that you need
to remove and rebuild all your ports if you want them to be 64-bit.

> or can I do a buildworld/installworld over the i386?

You can cross-build, but you'll need to install the new kernel and world
to a separate partition and boot from that partition.

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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