On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 12:21, Sam Post wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been trying to get Matlab to work on FreeBSD for a few days now, but I'm not 
> sure if the error is in the FreeBSD implementation of Java or in Matlab itself. 
> Matlab is technically not supposed to run on FreeBSD but I've been to websites where 
> people claim they have it running via Linux compatibility libraries (linuxcompat)
> I guess I really have two questions: 1) does Java work on FreeBSD (and how), 2) does 
> Matlab work on FreeBSD (and how?)
> Any information you have would be worth it's weight in gold (fortunately for my 
> pocketbook, information is pretty light!) so thanks in advance!
> I've attached some error reports, maybe they'll be useful...
> Sam Post
Matlab will work on FreeBSD (using Linux binary support), but you have
to muck around with the startup scripts to make it believe FreeBSD is a
supported platform. 

As for Java, you obviously have discovered that the native JDK in
FreeBSD 4.x doesn't work very well. My suggestion would be to install
the Linux JDK, and create some fancy symlinks if Matlab doesn't allow
for specifying where the java executable is located.

Hope this helps.


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